One thing I notice with PR is how some of the maps, especially the larger ones tend to spread out alot of players. Although AAS helps by making it so that both sides must concentrate on specific flags, with these large maps players take all sorts of different routes and such that engagements tend to be few and far between. Some of the best memories from older versions of PR was storming a flag with not just your own squad, but most of the entire team.
What I'm thinking of here, is redesigning maps in a more "breakthrough" like fashion. With one team mostly on the assault and the other on mostly the defence. It is to my understading, this is the sort of manner many RL engagements are fought in. It's normally one side attacking an enemy held position, not both sides racing toward a head on collison with one another.
So what I propose is making some of the existing maps so that one side holds the majority of CPs. On Kashan, the MEC could hold most of the flags except one of the villages (the one close to the U.S base) and U.S outpost. On Operation Ghost Train, perhaps the PLA could hold possesion of all flags except the British MB and Tunnel flags. You can change the AAS group too, such as making the Temple and North Bunker flags the first priority for the Brits to attack, and the PLA to defend. This concept can be applied to other maps also.
The thing about breakthrough though, is that once the defending team loses a flag, there's no chance of taking it back as it becomes uncappable to the defending team. An idea (hopefully possible) would be to create a brief "Counter-Attack" period where the defending team has the opportunity to reclaim the flag. This period may last anywhere from 5 to 10 to 15 minutes depending on balance, size of the map and amount of CPs needed to take to move onto the next CP group.
What this does is allow the defending team to respawn on nearby spawns (RPs, Bunkers, Command Trucks, APCs etc.) that may be still in the region and continue to make attempts at recapturing the flag, though they must be quick about it. During this phase the assaulting team must make an effort to "secure" the area around the CP, they cannot capture the next CP group until this counter-attack period is over.
What this concept does is allow the defending team to concentrate their resources on defence, while the assaulting team on attack. The Counter-Attack feature sort of turns the table for both teams a bit, making it possible for the defenders to retake lost flags, and give attacking teams reason to defend.
Some more complicated ideas might fall into the hands of the team's respective Commander.
* Instead of the "Counter-Attack" period occuring automatically, I'm thinking of possibly having the defending team's commander have to intiate this process. Basically the Commander can request "Counter-Attack" through the commo rose or command screen. He/she can use this function at any time, allowing the defending team to make an attempt at retaking the assaulting team's closest CP group. The Counter-Attack function has a long reload period, and can only be used once every 20 or more minutes, so timing is critical. The assaulting team however can still attack the defender's CP group.
* For the attacking team, their CO has the option to use a "Blitzkrieg" function (I couldn't think of a simplier or better name). What this does is open up the next CP group to the assaulting team. For example, say on Ghost Train you're the British. You've just captured the North Bunker, and your next objective is the South Bunker. What Blitzkrieg does is give the Brits the chance to not only capture the South Bunker, but attack the Trenches and Train flags as well. What the Blitzkrieg function does is allow the assaulting team to capture the next CP group in addition to one already needed to move on. The reload time is very long, possibly 30 minutes or more, and of course, the effect lasts only for a short time period (say 5 to 10 minutes). So timing and organization is crucial to using this tactic effectively.
The Counter-Attack and Blitzkrieg functions add a dynamic to the AAS order, it also gives the commanders an interesting, powerful and strategic asset to work with. Overall it delivers the potential of having a different round every time you play the map.