Corpus Christi Caller-Times from Corpus Christi, Texas (2024)

1 CORPUS CHRISTI CALLER, Sept. 10, 1981 276. Oil Lands Leases HIGDON EXPLORATION DEVELOPMENT an aggressive expanding oil gas company, seeking drilling prospects. We need oil gas lease. If you are a land or mineral owner who would like to deal with a company dedicated to obtaining production from your land for you, mail a brief description of your property ownership status to Bob Higdon 940 Main Bldg, Houston, Texas 77002.

283. Out of Town ATTENTION COUNTRY lovers, 4 bd, 2 2bath, 2 story rock home, cent A on 5 acres, 2 Irg metal barns, waterwell, 4 miles west of Edroy on paved road. Bryan Moore Real Estate, 992-8181, ac, excellent Private AUSTIN-NEAR Lakeway, 30.5 access to Lake Travis. earth-sheltered, atrium, greenhouse, oriental garden, $245,000, $65,000 dn. Replacement $350,000 Cecil 1- 264-2107 Im 713-820-8373.

COLORADO LAND for per acre. contact owner 303-274-5317. HUNTING 23 acres $695 per acre. Deer, turkey, javelina 15 yr owner financing available at 9 simple interest. Call 1-800-292-7420.

LAKE TRAVIS, Lakeway Development near Austin. Beautiful lot surrounded by homes. $20,000. For more info. call 883-5123.

After 5, 991- 4979. NICE 3 bdrm, 2 bath home furnished apts. and beautiful shaded 11-unit mobile home park. Good income. Must see to appreciate.

Also spacious 4 bdrm home on 12 acres- 3 miles East of Three RiversLive Oak County- completely fenced with good water, Owner financing available. down at for 10-15 years. HOUSE REAL ESTATE, 512-786-3384. ODEM acres, Bishop 1.66 acres. GRAHAM REALTORS 241-7611 10643 Leopard.

100 ACRES, $169 per acre, $845 down payment. $170.18 per month for 15 yrs. Call 1-800- 292-7420. 290. Real Estate Wanted CASH FOR your home, apartment or lot.

ALFRED EDGE, 854-0245. CASH FOR your equity houses, lots, and acreage, 883-6206 or 855-3707 BOB SCOTT. QUICK CASH offer for your property or equity. One day closing. We pay closing cost.

C.C. SPEED 854-4479. 299. To Be Moved FOR SALE house to be moved, approx. 1250 sq.

ft. $2500. 5333 S. Staples, 854-4638. HOUSE AT 1209 5th St, for sale to highest bidder.

Call Tom Carlin, TOMPKINS YOUNG REAL ESTATE, 855-4741. NICE 3 bdrm, 1 bath, house moved to your location. 387- 7161. 241-1294. TWO BRM house.

We will move to your location. 387-7161. 241- 1294. TWO DUPLEXES-good condition. Will move to your location.

387-7161. 241-1294. 6 ROOM frame house to be moved. COLLINS CO. 991- 7111.

REAL ESTATE RENTALS 310-340 Furnished ADULTS-AC, 810 Ohio 1br, crpting, nicely gar. $225 water pd. 883-6736. ALBERTS APT mobile hms $60wk up 5004 Up River Rd. 882-6348.

ALL BILLS paid. Swimming pool, 1 bdrm, $180 month. Call 991-7601. AMC WOODY Motel, wkly rates, kitchenettes, color Tv, near industrial area. 5028 Up River Rd.

Call 883-9852. ANA upstairs, area- clean carpeted, furn. Irg 1 pd. $255. 855-4321.

APT. 2BR, dep. Eleven S. Staples. (1111) btwn.

Buford Craig. Stop by, see Mike AT OMAHA off Leopard, 1 br, bills pd to limit. wk. 888-5673, 883-7225. ATTRACTIVE 2 bdrm trailer, no pets, 6 month lease, dep.

883-8418 or 888-6350. AT 1314 N. Chaparral, 1 br, $55 wkly, bills pd to limit. Call 884-4257, 883-1935. AYERS NEAR K-Mart, efficiency, bills pd to limit, $55 wk.

851-9289, 883-1935. AYERS SHOPPING Cntr. Carpeted effic, $190, bills pd to limit. Call 883-7225. area-529 Osage.

1 bdrm, $55 wkly. Bills pd, no pets, 855-5811. BILLS PD. 1221 Sabinas near 1 br, $65 wkly, no pets. 855-5811.

BRAND NEW 1 bdrm furnished apts. near Holly Rd. and Ayers. Now leasing. $275 mo.

Bills pd. 854-1491. CAROLYN WOODS off Holly Rd Ayers, 1 bdrm furn, $250 mo. bills pd. 854-1491.

CLEAN 1 bdrm furn. apt. near Holly Rd Ayers $185 mo. bills pd. 854-1491.

CLEAN nice 1 bdrm apt, weekly rent dep. All bills paid. 3713 Timon. North Beach. CLIFF HOUSE 1 or 2 bdrm apts, prices start at $690 mo, bills pd, luxury highrise.

884- 9901. CONVENIENT TO downtown large efficiency all electric, ideal for 1 working person, covered parking, reference and deposit are required $165. per month. 884-7354. COUPLE TO manage small apt.

complex. Must be bondable have auto. 883-1935. FLOUR BLUFF, 2 rm, effic, $189.50 bills pd to limit. 939-9745, 883-1935.

FLOUR BLUFF, suitable for employed lady or married couple. 1 bdrm, bills paid, $225 mo $50 dep. 937-6263, 937-5824. FLOUR BLUFF 1 bdrm furn. $180 bills pd.

854-1491. 310. Apartments Furnished FULLY FURN. apts on Padre Island 2 months or longer, special all season rates, 933- 8141. GARAGE A APT.

Southside $50 week elect bill $150 dep. Single person. 992-3407. GAR. A APT near DelMar, nicely furn.

bills pd. dep req. $135 mo. 855-3008. LAVISHLY FURN 1 bdrm, carpeted, paneled, ac, bills pd cept elect.

$325 mo elect. adults, 6 mo lease. 1515 Ocean Dr. 883-8868. LUXURIOUS PORTOFINO condominum, Padre Island Ocean front.

Utilities included. Mature couple, no children or pets. 3 mo. min. 2 bdrm, Call 882-5539.

NEAR DEL Mar nicely furn. br, mature adult. $150 bills. 855-3008. NEAR DEL Mar, 1 bdrm furnished, bills paid.

C.C. RE: ALTY. Call 992-2930. After 4pm 884-6187. NEAR SPOHN Hospital 1 bdrm, $250 util.

RON STUBING REALTOR 855- 4651. NICE EFFICIENCY apartments and carpet. Trade Winds Apartments 289-5288. NO VACANCIES, applications only. Furnished unfurn.

TOM GRAHAM GARDENS 1041 Dabney. 855-1552. PARKSIDE APTS. bkl. so.

Stonewall Bank, Tuloso Schools, 1, 2, br. 241-2788. SUNNY-LYNN apts, 884-8131, Weekly rate, VANCURA- BILLS pd. Efficiency duplex, $195 mo. or $57.50 weekly.

No pets 855- 3313. VIDEO ROOMMATE Finding service is looking for a few good roommates, ladies receive 1 yr. free membership in our video dating club, a $300 value. 9-9am, 289-7431. WESTWOOD APT.

behind WESTWOOD CENTER 241- 1685, 241-1414. 312. Apartments Unfurnished Adept Apt. Finders. A free service 7 days weekly 854-4708 Lic.

by T.R.E.C. AIRLINE MANOR Apartments. 1825 Airline, 991-4572. ALL ADULT living. 2.

3 bdrms apts. All utilities pd. Four Seasons Apts. 852-0452. ALL BILLS paid, 3 br, all adult, free cable tv.

Ocean Palms Apartments, 852-2631. ALL BILLS pd, near main P.O., clean Irg 1 br $255. 855-4321. ANA-CAL area, clean 2. br, water-gas pd, $255.

855-4321. APARTMENTS AVAILABLE now. 1, 2 3 bedroom. Range, refr. and carpet.

Water gas paid. Trade Winds Apartments 5901 Leopard St. 289- 5288. APT. 2BR.

dep. Eleven S. Staples (1111) btwn. Buford Craig. Stop by, see Mike.

ATTRACTIVE GAR. apt, 1309 Fifth St. $200 mo, $400 dep. Weekdays, 8-5, 855-6231. ATTRACTIVE 1 br, $215 mo near Saxet.

Water paid. Call 881-8081, 883-7225. AVAILABLE AFTER Sept 15th, upstairs, Spohn area, 2 br, no pets. Apply 883-1673. AVAILABLE NOW near M.Med.

Cen. clean 1bdrm. apt. appliances furnished. Bills pd.

to $50. No pets. $70 wk dep. 852-8590. AVAIL NOW Manor House.

Quiet and private. 2 br, 1 ba, patio, $380 dep elec. All appliances. Pool. Covered parking.

Adults only. No pets. 854-2445. ALFRED EDGE CO. Realtors.

AVAIL. NOW 1 2 bdrm, all bills paid. Inquire 724 N. Chaparral, Apt. 2, or call 887- 8325.

BELAIRE APARTMENTS Quiet neigborhood, 1 bedroom unfurn. $260 mo, bedroom furn $275 mo. Water, gas and garbage pd. Adults only. No pets.

1422 Devon 853-0131 BESSAR PARK; lovely remodeled one bedroom ac, garage, water paid. Single adult only. Aft. 6 713-496-2647. ree 4645 Ocean Drive A lovely apartment community overlooking Corpus Christi Bay EFFICIENCY 1 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM Laundries Swimming Pool Free Cable TV 991-4164 Mon.

-Fri. 9-6 312. Apartments Unfurnished BY S. BLUFF Park, Irg cool br, stove-refrig. W-g pd to limit.

$220, 883-1935. CABANISS DWELLING 3 br, 2 ba, sun rm, 1450 sq. ft. $205 mo $100 dep. 853- 9777.

CLIFF HOUSE, one and two bedroom Luxurious highrise. Prices start at $550 mo. Includes electricity 884- 9901. CONGRESS PLACE Unfurn 1-2-3 bdrm Family and adult 2 pools and tennis Total Electric 6402 Weber 853-6031 CONVENIENT TO Memorial and Spohn-1 bdrm, modern, 888-4411. After 5, 991-4373.

DUPLEX, 2 bdrm, I ba, dining sunrooms, room $450 mo. 255 Rosebud. Year lease dep. 852-0364. EFFICIENCY APT for workgirl or girls.

$200 mo. 3 lease. See aft. 9am. Sat.

Sun only. 4322 Dinn. 992-7106. FLOUR BLUFF, unfurnished apartment. Bills paid.

Call 937-0055. FLOUR BLUFF 1 wk free rent. 1, 2, 3 bdrms, off. hrs 9am5pm, Sat 10-2, 937-2647. FLOUR BLUFF, large and lovely 2 br, bath duplex refrig, stove, dishwasher, washer-dryer and bar.

$410 per mo. $200 dep. Call 1-592-0554. Free Rental Referral Service CENTURY 21 Etheredge, Realtors 992-4823 NEAR COOPERS Alley 1 br, $150 dep. Water pd.

BECKER REAL ESTATE 854-0455. NEAR SPOHN 1 bdrm apt, 1335 6th. $219. new paint, wallpaper, carpet. 992-4430.

NEWLY DECORATED 3 br apt. 1400 sq. 2 full baths, new carpet, new refr. closed in patio bearbanana trees, quiet beautiful setting, adults only, no pets, call Carmel Manor, 855- 6332. NEWPORT MARINA and 2 bedrms Tennis, Pool Cable TV 9350 S.

Padre Isl. Dr. 937-2601 NOW LEASING River Forest Acres Carefree living with all the convenience of home ownership minus the responsibility of maintenance and the yard upkeep. Located at 5 Points-each has a wood burning fireplace home laundry, icemaker refirgerators self cleaning ovens, microwave, covered parking and outside storage. You owe it to yourself to view these Apt homes.

Call for an appointment, 992-1130. ONE BDRM apt, all bills pd, stove, refrig furn, near Main Post Ofice. $185. optional. 884-1895.

ONE BEDROOM partially furnished apt for rent, bills pd. DANIEL BOONE Real tate, call 289-5305. OVERLOOKING BAY condo for lease or sale. One bedroom, 1,000 sq. ft.

Security, pool, covered parking. Call John 888-4496 or 993-0007 aft. 6pm. POOL BALCONY, 2 br, carpet, drapes, $285. Rentals by Jeri, fee, 855-3895.

ROOMS FOR rent $150 month. Call 855-6899 after ROOMS FOR rent $150 a month. Call 855-6899 after SKY HARBOR Apts, 1-2-3 brs. Office open Sat. 7218 S.

Padre Isl Dr. 991-7951. STILLMAN ST. -Newly painted 2 bdrm. apt.

$225 mo. water, sewage garbage pd. 855- 3313. SUPER 1 bdrm, single or couple, new carpet, near 6 Pts, $225. Water pd.

882-7622. VIDEO ROMMATE Finding service is looking for a few good roommates. Ladies receive 1 yr. free membership in our video dating club, a $300 value. 9-9am 289-7431.

WESTSIDE UNFURNISHED 1 2 bdrm apts. All bills paid. 992-5392. 2 BEDROOM near Everhart Alameda unit air, panel heat, $300. per mo.

$100. dep. gas water paid. 991-0432. 314.

Bedrooms BEDROOM WITH private entrance, full bath, kitchen privileges. Carpeted. Del Mar area, conv. to Freeway. $150 dep, $300 mo, all bills pd.

884- 9287. GENT. PRIVATE entrance, bath, ac, frig. Convenient tocation. Ponder 855-8929.

ROOMS, KITCHEN privileges 2 locations. 883-3350. S. SIDE br. in nice home.

Kit. privileges. Anglo girl. 853- 3360. $30 WEEKLY.

802 S. Staples, share Read Classified today 312. Apartments Sat. 10-2 Unfurnished "Where The Sun Shines" a lighted ground. Beautiful pool 1-2-3 and grounds, play- beMEMORIAL drooms families minutes from welcome unfurnished, down- 12, town Corpus Christi, MOORE SUN VALLEY APARTMENTS .1617 Cimarron, Portland, Texas 643-57239 316.

Business Property ACROSS FROM Sunrise Mall, 5000 sq. ft. in Gulfway Shopping Center. Excellent retail location now available. 991- 4950; nites 991-4907.

AVAILABLE-8500 sq. ft, of warehouse space in manufacturing facility. Dock high loading, single door, private access. Immediate occupancy. Call Kitty, 884-4857.

BUILDING FOR rent. Available now, 3300 sq. ft. with offices, storage area work area. excellent location.

just across Ayers at 110 TarIton. Less than 27c per sq. ft. at $885 per month. HALLMARK REAL ESTATE 991- 1836 or 643-8691.

BUSINESS LOCATION, 750 sq. ft. 4321 S. Alameda. Call I.

Goltzman, 884-4808. CLEAN DRY warehouses. 720 sq. ft. $175 mo deposit or 1 more units.

100 ft. driveway. Security. McCORD'S 5566 Ayers. Call Mon-Fri 855-6231.

DOWNTOWN STORAGE. 1100 sq.ft. inside. 800 sq.ft. outside.

Security fence. $275 mo. Renewable. 882-6575. DOWNTOWN 7,000 s.f.

warehouse covered parking. $850. 852-8259. SAM ALLEN REALTOR. FABRICATING welding, shop, 5000 sq.

ft. 882-6830 or 852-3404 aft 5pm. FOR LEASE: just completedbeautiful, new, 5000 sq. ft. metal building with 1000 sq.

ft. of offices, including coffee bar, large covered wash rack, paved and fenced yard with front and rear gates. Located across from airport on Hopkins Rd. at 117 Vermont. Call (512) 643-4966 for information.

FOR LEASE 1000 sq. ft. of office space with 3400 sq. ft. of warehouse.

Inquire at 1902 Holly Rd. or call 853-0421. GREAT RETAIL or office locations. Nile McArdle. MAIN REALTY 883-9209.

A MAJOR SOUTHSIDE shopping center has approx. 16,000 sq. ft. space available. Extremely well located with excellent visibility.

Can be divided for more than 1 tenant. 882-4744. NEW METAL BUILDING FOR LEASE 2600 sq. ft. 40x65 On Lily St.

block off Leopard across the street from Old Mexico Restaurant. Ready for you to choose your office space. DICKSON REALTY CO. Bob Dickson Days 888-4221 Nights 883-5864 NEW, 10,400 sq. ft.

warehouse, has 1000 sq. ft. of office space. Inquire at 1902 Holly Rd. or call 853-0421.

PUBLIC WAREHOUSE space services available. A few boxes or many car loads. Experienced employees, specialized equipment an office staff to help you handle and control your inventory. Call Pete Anderson at 884-5595 information. Ray West Warehouses, Inc.

RESTAURANT SPACE-well equipped well located. Available at Carmel Village shopping center. 883-3523. RETAIL SPACE available off South Padre Island Drive between Weber Everhart. Tom Martine Properties, 855- 0923.

TRADEWINDS MINI Storage 5x10 $17, 10x10 $27, 10x15 $36, 10x20, $43, 10x30 $49. 5900 Bik Leopard at Lexington. 289- 0991. sq.ft. 15c sq.

ft. 15' drive-thru doors 30' ceiling. Owner will fence outside and office to suit. Plenty of parking and outside space. Located Ayers, S.P.I.D.

lease all or half. 854-4343. 10,000 SQ. ft. (2000 sq.

ft. office8000 sq. ft. warehouse). IH 37 exposure.

VESTLAND 854- 1015. 1200 sq ft, near the corner of Everhart Alameda, exc retail or ofc, $650 mo util. No food or beverages estab. 993- 2550, 993-1124 aft 5pm. 1250 SQ.

ft warehouse office, Flour Bluff area 937-3746. 13,000 28,775 sq. ft. warehouse with large attractive office. Dock-high concrete building, rail, 16 clear.

Competitive prices. Call Allen Assarian, 884-4949. 2000 FT. commercial ft. office.

1901 N. Port. Phone 855-6893. 2000 SQ. Ft.

13502 Leopard, rentbuy option. Acreage 2001 SPID. 855-4030. 323 ACRES Live Oak County paved road, excellent bird country. VESTLAND 854- 1015.

4680 SQ. ft. warehouse space with office restroom off Crosstown near Gollihar. Tom Martine Properties 855- 0923. 5000 SQ ft metal bldg, combination office warehouse, at 3609 Saturn for lease.

$1650 per mo. 289-0161. 5400 SQ. Ft. office space off Crosstown at Gollihar.

Will remodel to suit. Plenty of parking. Tom Martine Properties. 855-0923. 318.

Townhouses ALFRED EDGE Co Realtors Property Management 854-2445 SEASIDE VILLA, poolside. Large 1 ba, patio, $395 deposit. DELUXE and spacious Catalina Condo, 3 br, 2 ba, $1100 deposit. BEAUTIFUL Mediterranean Circle, 4270 Ocean. Waterside, 2 br, 3 ba, $1200 dep.

C.C. BEACH-2 br, luxury condo, exc. temporary housing, furn incl. linens, dishes, $1250 mo. 643-6683, 883-4630.

CLIFF HOUSE condominiums 715 Upper S. Broadway, 15 story highrise overlooking bay. 1-2 br. apts. Prices begin at $550 mo.

Util. Incl. 884-9901. FANTASTIC VIEW, Catalina, Ocean Dr. bed apt, pool, pier, 852-5544, 853-4411.

LAS BRISAS CONDO'S now leasing 1-2-3 6drm's. Starting at $550 mo electric. Lrg heated pool, 4 tennis courts, party rooms, laundry facilties. Inquire at 4000 Surfside. ROCKCREET TOWNHOUSE 3 bdrm, bth.

den, patio, 2 car garage, $700 a mon. dep. 884-3012, evenings 991- 4496. 318. Townhouses LUXURY DUPLEX 2 story 3 barm, ba, den, sundeck wbfb near Pharoah Golf Course, new plush carpet, references lease required, $625.

"Worship Sunday call me Monday' The Golden Rule, Loree Clark, Realtors 991-9079. OCEAN DR. no lease 1 br apt. completely pool, pier, 852-5544 or 853-4411. OVERLOOKING BAY-luxury condo for lease or sale.

One bedroom, 1,000 sq. ft. Security, pool, covered parking. Call John 888-4496 or 993-0007 aft. 6pm.

OWNER ASSUME 12 $17,000 dn. 2bd, ba. Lovely patio view. Ample stor. Briar Bluff Portland 643-8898.

PADRE ISLAND Irg 2 bc bdrm 2 bath furn waterfront condo SAM BRADLEY 854-3055. THE BREAKERS luxury highrise on historic North Beach leasing 2 3 bdrm units, furnished unfurnished. Beginning at $750mo, 2 month minimum lease. Call 883-7433. 322.

Houses Furnished C.C. BEACH 2 bdrm cottage, all bills pd, $375 $150 dep. No children or pets. 855-3683, 884- 5737, or 883-5493. NEAR SPOHN 1230 Second.

3 br, din, liv. rm, den. Irg kit. stove, 2 ba, dryer conn. carpeted 2 car garage.

$500 mo. dep. Call Ben aft. 7 pm 852-7055. PORTLAND 2 bdrm mobile home $280.

mo. $200 dep. 643- 3643. 324. Houses Unfurnished AACHEN RENTERS there is no charge for our assistance.

8 SAM BRADLEY 854-3055. BEAUTIFUL 3br, 2 ba, home, fm dining, Irg den fenced yard, near Schanen area. $650 dep. 854-6985, 855-9067. ABIDE IN a small but cute 3 barm, bath, cyclone fence yard, enclosed garage, Erskine St.

$425 mo dep. 852-7021. ALFRED EDGE Co Realtors Property Management 854-2445 ATTRACTIVE Home on Florida, all appls, new carpet, 3 ceiling fans, 2 unit 2-car gar, $475 dep. FLOUR BLUFF in Castle Park, 4 br, 1 ba, $565 deposit. 734 MEADOWBROOK, lovely 3-2, $695 dep.

ALL NEW never lived in 3 bdrm, 2 bath, dbl enclosed gar, Crestmont V. $550 mo dep. Phone 852-7021. ANNAVILLE 3-2 fp, drapes, 2 car gar, avail now $550 mo. $300 dep.

24 241-3842. AT LAKE C.C. attrac 2 br view of lake, all elec, $300. 883-7225, 853-8474. ATTACHED GARAGE, 2 bdrm.

carpet, stove, refrigerator. Southside. $365 per mon. Call owner-agent 853- 3477. ATTRACIVE 2bdrm.

near Gollihar Weber carpet, stove refr. detached doub. gar. fenced yard. no pets.

dep. 854-8100. ATTRACTIVE den, lovely neighborhood $500 mo. $300 dep. 4118 Cott.

ATTRACTIVE 3-1, unit air, garage, fenced yard, near Brawner Parkway. $400 dep. util. 854-0516 or 884- 0922. AVAILABLE EXECUTIVE home in Pharoah Valley.

4 bdrm, 2 ba, den, fireplace, nice kitchen, yard and covered patio. $800 dep. aft. 5. 991-5114.

AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY 3 bdrm, 1 ba, fenced yard, single attached garage, $400 mo dep. Call 933-8608 or 851-2161. BEAUTIFUL BRICK country home, 6 bdrm, 2 bath, big den children pets horses ok. Great schools, Rockport. Lease at $650.

884-0605, 855- 2425. BEHIND DRISCOLL Hospitalcentrally located, 3 br, ba, unit air, study rm, fenced yard. 6mos. lease. Refs.

$425 $350 dep. 854-8046. BENTWOOD LN. (3873) near Carroll High. Well-kept 3 bdrm, 2 bath, living room, den all kit appl.

carpeted. $495 mo $450 dep. Avail. Sept. 18.

854-2758. BILLS PD. duplex 2 br, new carpet, just painted, fenced, $300. Rentals by Jeri, fee. 855- 3895.

BRICK-NEW paint. Brown carpet. 3 br. Cent. 1229 Woodlawn.

991-1460. BRICK 4-2-2, fenced, stove, refrig. $325 dep. $500 mo. Near Nile.

937-1155. CALALLEN AVAIL. now, brick 3-2-2 cent. $525 dep. 241-7234 aft 6pm.

COTTAGE HOUSE excl. location near Spohn 1 bdrm. hrdwd floors, stove refrig. $240 dep. 854-0238.

COUNTRY CLUB Estatesbeautiful 3 br, 2 ba, brick, Irg fenced yard, dbl garage Avail. Oct. 1. $800 mo. security, 854-9694.

COUNTRY CLUB Executive home, seldom available, 5 br, 3 ba, beautiful master suite sewing rm. Call for details 854-2445. ALFRED EDGE CO Realtors. COUNTRY HOME 2 acres, trees, 3 bdrm, living rm, dining rm, den, game room, carpet, drapes, barn, double garage, workshop, electric only utilities. Lease $800 dep.

992-1181 or 853- 2468 after 6pm. FLOUR BLUFF available 1st week in September, 3 bdrm, 2 ba, fireplace, fenced yard on Wagner Lee $525 mo, 6 mo lease dep. 991- 5523. OAK TERRACE SUBDIVISION In Ingleside New Brick Homes 3 Bedrooms 2 Baths Near Good Schools Reynolds Aluminum, Dupont Baker Marine Monthly Call Now for Details! 1-776-3479 324. Houses Unfurnished CUSTOM BUILT 3-2-2 large living area, with fire place, thedral ceiling ceiling fan.

Split bdrms. Built-ins, woven wood, mini blinds, fenced yard, 3 years old. $650 plus deposit. Call 241-4509 after 5pm. FLOUR BLUFF, 2 br, shag cpt, 6 mo lease, $275 mo dep.

937-1386, 883-1936. FOR LEASE 3 bed, 2 bath, no pets. Schanen Estates, 991-9411 nites Louise 992-6161. GULFWAY 3br, carpet, air, gar. fence, $375.

Rental by Jeri, fee. 855-3895. LARGE 3br, near Smith Elem. $300. Also, 3 br, off Airline, $325.

At 6-Points 2 br, $225. Rentals by Jeri, fee, 855- 3895. LARGE 4 bdrm, 2 ba. house in Flour Bluff. $395 mo.

2 blocks from Laguna Madre 854-1491. LARGE beautiful in Academy Heights. 4 bdrm, bath, double attached garage. Fpl. $600 mo $400 deposit no pets.

882-6407. LEASE 3 br, 2 ba. 8 mo old, all brick dbl gar. appl. $600 mo $300 dep.

5200 Bik Larcade Dr. Call for appt. 854- 4670, wkends 853-0129. NEAR SCHOOLS- 3 bdrm, 2 ba, Irg. family area, kitchen Irg.

tree, covered lot. $550 per mo. $350 dep. MANAGEMENT LEASING 854-1945. NEAR SPOHN Hospital, completely renovated and remodeled 2 bdrm house rm, washer -dryer connections, stove-refrig, carpet, carport.

Adults only. Lease, $400 mo, $200 dep. 991- 4373 or 888-4414. NEAR SUNRISE Mall, 3-1, det. gar, fen, $325 mo.

$300 dep. 852-7757. NEW DUPLEX 2 br, 1 ba, patio, all built-ins, ref, washer dryer, mo lease, $300 dep. Call Ronnie 992-9000. Berney Seal Co.

Realtors. NICE TWO bdrm mobile home for rent. Calallen area on river. 241-7739. NICE 2 bdrm house, 4618 Cheryl double garage $375 mo.

855- 4030. PORTLAND BEAUTIFUL 3-2 brick model home in Oakridge, fireplace, carpet, like new, professional landscaped $575 lease. Refs. 855-2513. PORTLAND-3-2-2, fenced, $575 month 1 yr.

lease deposit. 643-5628. RON STUBING Realtor 855-4651 1043 Woodlawn-3 bdrm, 1 ba, $435. Flour Bluff-3146 Millbrook 3-2-2, new carpet paint $525. 614 Vaky, Irg 3-2-2, established area $450.

902 Ashland 3 bdrm, 1 ba. Near King High, new paint inside outside $435. SINTON-4 bdrm, 2 bath. Lease $450 mo dep. 1-364-2353.

SOUTH BAY, 3 bdrm, 2 ba brick home, 2 car garage, screened patio, fireplace, Irg wood fenced backyard, $650 mo dep. Cravey Realty Inc. 289-0702. SOUTHSIDE, SPACIOUS 3 br, ba, den study or 4th br, utility, workshop area, fenced, unit carpet, kitchen appliances, redecorated, 426 University. Lease, ref.

dep. 884-7722 or 991-4487. SOUTHSIDE TOWNHOUSE, 2 bdrmn, mo. lease. Immediate move 853-7579 or 853- 7714.

SOUTHSIDE fireplace, drapes, fenced yard. Garge door closer. Wet bar. No pets. $495 mo deposit.

BILL FOWLER REAL ESTATE 851-1271. THREE BDRM, bath dbl garage, $400 mo, dep. 1118 Bradshaw aft 24:30 call 992-4276. TURN OF the Century Victorian cottage 3-1-1, 11 ft. ceiling, newly painted, fenced yard, washer connections many more features.

$450 dep. 801 Park Avenue. Call Jim 855-4041 or 888-6738. TWO BEDRM, den, carpeted, fenced yard, nice home. Gibson school.

$375 dep. 241- 5937. UNFURNISHED 2 barm den, 1 ba. close to Sunrise Mall $400 mo. $200 dep.

See at 1033 Bobalo or call 855-5066. VERY LARGE 6 bedroom home Irg kitch larg den 2 bath. Extra large yard, $550 per mo. with 6 mo lease. See aft.

9am Sat Sun only 4322 Dinn. 992-7106. WOOD RIVER- 2500 sq ft. home lease with option to buy. $1050 mo.

855-3075, 854- 9955. 1205 7th Street, 2 bdrm, brick, $280 mo $100 dep. Ref required. Aft 4pm, 853-1127. 3 BDRM, bath, near Weber Gollihar, fenced yard, $420 month, $300 deposit.

854-1491. 930 ROSSI 3-2-2, fenced yard. $475 mo $350 dep. Call 992-2555. 326.

Hunting Leases AN EXCELLENT whitewing, dove day lease in grain sunflower fields on the Rio Grande River. Beautiful areas -no crowding, 8100 acres offered-season early Sept. Call (512) 464-4384. BOW HUNT deer, turkey, hogs. Also rifle hunting.

512-426-3638 Hondo. DOVE AND quail season lease. Sunflower, buffel and grain. 180 acres in Duval County. 6 guns, $1200.

Call 1-394-6339. DOVE HUNTING, day leasing $15 per day 3 mi, southeast of Oakville on FM. 1203 1-358- 8503. ECONOMICAL WHITE wing hunting in Mexico. Business hours 512-423-6420 eve and weekends 512-425-2054.

Ask for David O'Brian. EXCELLENT FLIGHTS, white wing dove. 6 miles So. Harlingen. 110 acres with sunflowers.

$30 per gun. (512) 797- 1782. HUNTING LEASES: Available, bow bird hunt. Webb County, and Zapata County. Also, trophy hunts in Mexico.

1-727-8907, 723-3570 Laredo. WHITE WING hunting 7 miles south of La Gloria on 755. Call 852-5263. ZAPATA COUNTY-8 guns. Deer, dove, quail, javelina.

1981 season. 512-381-8366. 327. Mobile AVAIL. NOW 5230 Ayers.

Mobile home spaces. Rent deposit. CENTURY 21 Property South, 992-8431 or James 992- 4574. MOBILE HOME lots for rent! $60 mo. Adults.

Kingsville 1-800-327-8514, 328. Office Space ACROSS PARKDALE, approx 400 sq. office space. Avail now. Parking, util janitorial incl.

855-0633. ALL OFFICES with parking. Still available, 600 to 1600 sq. ft. at the PARK TOWER Bldg.

Buffalo at Carancahua. 883-7792. AT PLAZA Business Park 4639 Corona. Near Everhart and SPID. Professional office with ample parking.

Approx. 1100 sq. ft. available. LANDCOR MANAGEMENT, 851- 2901.

AT TOWN Cty. Prof. Ctr. 4330 S. Alameda location.

Ideal for professionals, all bills pd with ample parking. 1150 sq. ft. available. LANDCOR MANAGEMENT 851-2901.

ATTRACTIVE 1500 sq. ft. separate outside entrance. Will alter floor plan for substantial tenant. Separate air cond.

Parking. 1st floor or second. 882-4481. AVAILABLE SEPT. 5.

1000 s.f. carpeted office. $550 month. 3212 S. Alameda.

Phone 991- 5460 mornings. AVAIL. NEW bidg, furnished, carpeted, perfect for law office, 6 min. from 883-8833 ask for Cheryl. BEAUTIFUL EXECUTIVE office-southside, 1 yr lease-1050 s.

f. 45c sq. ft. Renewal option. Available at 4639 Corona Dr.

854-2378. CHOICE OFFICE location near main Post Office. Remodeled to suite. Lowest prices. Call 883-3350.

EXECUTIVE OFFICE with secretarial area, $286 mon. including utilities, parking janitorial. 4517 S. Staples. 993- 1800.

FURNISHED OFFICE, secretarial service available. Plaza Business Park. 855-5757. NEAR DOWNTO and air conditioned warehouse space for rent. No lease required.

As low as 25c per sq. ft. Plenty of parking. Will remodel to suit if needed. JESSE REYES REALTOR, 883-9706 or 882-5461.

NEAR PORT-4500 sq. ft. warehouse with 1500 sq. ft. office space, many improvements 882-3376, or 992-8319.

NEED OFFICE space? We specialize in leasing office space. Excellent locations to choose from. JOE ADAME 854-4409. NEED OFFICE space near Love Field Dallas? Individual room or suite. $192 to 15,000 sq.

ft. Free parking (214) 351- 5406. OFFICE SPACE with a Panoramic view of the bay, Will design to suit tenant. 884-1744. OIL INDUSTRIES building approx.

2450 sq ft available Nov. 1, 1981. 884-9744. PORTAIRS SHOPPING Center. 213 sq.

ft. Call 991-4950; nites 991-4907. UP TO 13,000 sq. ft. of office space located in the industrial area of Corpus Christi.

Carpet, janitorial, free parking. Below market rate! Call Allen Assarian 884-4949. 14,000 SQ. Ft. prime office.

Ground floor with adjacent parking downtown. Available October. 882-6791. 332. Property Management AACHEN OWNERS place your rentals with us for profitable management best tenants.

SAM BRADLEY 854-3055. WE CAN meet all your needs in management of your residential properties or as a leasing agent. Call Caralee Dibble for details. 854-2445. ALFRED EDGE CO.

Realtors. 334. Rentals to Share FEMALE ROOMMATE needed. Pay half rent half util. Ref.

needed. No pets. 992-5349. NEED FEMALE roommate to share brick 3. bdrm home in Calallen $300 util 851-0861 Karen.

ROOMMATE FINDERS, applicants screened. Ref. reqd. Photos taken. 993-2650.

SHARE MY home with lady or man, $150 mo. Call 937-6077. VIDEO ROOMMATE Finding service is looking for a few good roommates. Ladies receive 1 yr free membership in our video dating club, a $300 value. 9-9am, 289-7431.

WILL SHARE home. Prefer employed lady. No smoking. Fruit trees, garden, fireplace, etc. Refs.

992-8357. RECREATION 350-364 outboard, dilly trailer witt new tires, runs good under 5900. 852-6602. 350. Bouts Commercial DOCUMENTED 48x16 ft.

shrimp boat, rigged for gulf or bay, 2 sets of doors nets. Reasonable priced. 664-3157. FOR Hp Ocean's Tugs. Contact BERWICK BAY OIL CO.

P.O. Box 2708, Morgan City La. 70381. 504-384-1610. FOR SALE on 8V-71 Detroit diesel engine.

Rebuilt dyno tested with rebuilt 3.5 to 1. Allison marine Gear. Rigged for keel cooling. Ready to go. Call 888-6071 or 852-0935.

40 FT. SHRIMP boat, yrs. old. Wood with fiber glass hull. 671 diesel engine, fully equipped, ready to shrimp.

643-3785 days, 643-6347 nights. 75 FOOT steel trawler, 1968 V- 1271 GM, 4 rigged, now working $80,000 bal. on loan. Accept bay boat, small business or what ever for $40,000 equity. Less for cash.

(512) 399-7916 no collects. 352. Boats Power AIR BOAT, Corvair engine, excellent cond with trailer. $3000 1-729-1212 or 729-7161. ANGLER 17ft.

center console, 115 hp. Mercury, power trim tilt. Custom drive on trailer. Good cond. Call 991-5150.

ARISTOCRAFT 17' fiberglass boat, with 125 mercury 352. Boats Power BOAT TRAILER parts service. New, rebuilt custom trailers. CAVCO TRAILER 3922 S. Port, 852-8832.

CANOE 17 ft. fiberglass with paddle $325. 643-2561 or aft 5pm 851-0155. COBIA CABIN Cruiser 1976 23 ft. in good cond, few hours, all the extras.

$5,500 379-9442, 729- 0728. GALAXY ft Tri hull, 85 hp Johnson motor, excellent condition. $2750. Must see to ap preciate. 1-364-4230.

GLASSTROM CARLSON CZX16 deluxe 16th. 1979, 115hp Mercury outboard, drive on trailer, full instrumentation, exc. cond. bought new July 80. Call Louie Lavender 643- 8521 days, 991-8691 aft 6pm.

GLASTRON CARLSON CVX16 deluxe 16ft. 1979, 115hp Mercury outboard, drive on trailer, full instrumentation, exc. cond. bought new July 80: Call Louie Lavender 643- 8521 days, 991-8691 aft 6pm. GLASTRON CV 16' with Volvo 130 Used very little.

Excel. cond. With drive on trailer, stereo tape deck and other access. $5300. 854-0085 aft.

6 pm. Serious inquiries only. GLASTRON 17 ft. boat 100 hp Johnson motor, power tilt, power trim, galvanized trailer $2,000. 852-2910 4417 Hamlin.

JUST MARRIED must sell 19' Jet boat, low hrs on 455 engine $4500 or best offer. Call anytime 853-7879. LUXURY TRAWLER 42' '81 DSL. Sacrifice, $159,000.

Others 1-749-5960. MAKO 23', '78, with 235 hp Johnson, tandem trailer boat lift, $15,000. 643-2571 or 643- 6009. PACEMAKER 30 ft. 2-83 hp engine, flybridge, depth recorder, fresh water tank, ac cabin, refrigerator self contained 1- 529-6683.

RANGER BASS boat loaded, low hours, sportsman galvanized trailer, Johnson 115, 2-lowrance depth recorders, toling motor 24V. $9,850. 888-4376. SEA RAY '76 180, 18', 140 horse mercruiser, good ask for Connie. TERRY BASS boat 1979 55 Evinrude, trolling motor and depth finder, live well, 2 gas tanks 2 batteries stainless steel propeller.

643-3810. USED BOAT SALE 19' Caravelle 135 H.P. Mercury Gal trailer $1895 16' Landau Jon Boat Trailer no motor $695 18' Chaparral Deep 470 Mercruiser Gal. Trailer $5795 15' Quchita Bass Boat 50 H.P. Johnson trim Dilly trailer $3295 18' Marquis Deep Walk through windshield 470 Mercruiser Gal.

Big wheel trailer $5995 15' Park Kraft Center Console 40 H.P. Mercury elec. start Gal. Dilly trailer $2995 16' Rhyan Craft Comm. Galvanized trailer no motor $1195 Gunderland Marine 1221 Cantwell 882-4231 WELLCRAFT '75 20 ft.

center console, 140 Mercruiser shoreline trailer. $5275. Call 241-4509 after 5pm. 15 FIBERGLASS boat 40 hp. Johnson engine, $750 or best offer.

937-6138 aft. 5pm. 15' FIBERGLASS boat I 40 hp. Johnson engine, $750 or best offer. 937-6138 aft.

5pm. 15FT. AIRCRAFT eng. air boat duty trailer. "As is" $565.

852-2352. 15 FT. Temcraft 65 hp Mercury. Big wheel trailer. $1,600.

884-8318. 17' RUN about-4 cyl, marine inboard grey, Never used in salt water. Real nice. $1200, 853-3470. 19 FT Mako center console, '76 twin, 70h.p.

Johnson o.b., sportsman trailer, bimini top rod holders. Exc cond. $7250. 933-8637. 23' I.M.P.

Cuddy cabin twin 160 h.p. 6 cyl, chevy stern drives. Power trim trim tabs CB tape deck with tandem trailer. Very clean. Excellent running cond.

Call Jan. Days 855- 2100, eves. 937-1937. 24 FT. Glastron Mercruiser with tandem trailer.

Deep V- hull. Great buy. $6500. From 8-5, 289-1877, aft 5, 991-1594. 73 15FT.

Sportcraft, tri-hull, fibergiass, new canopy, 50hp, merc. with trailer, $1495. 991- 3755, or 991-0797. 356. Boats Sail ABSOLUTELY interested in quality used sailboats.

THE BOAT SHOP 882-6575. Alden Yachts Dealers for FREEDOM YACHTS Perry 41' 47' Crealock 42' 45' and our own "51" Brokerage boats also available. Watergate Kemah, Texas 77565 (713) 334-2572. BOAT BROKER has your next sailboat. Buy, sell, trade.

1-749-5960. CATAMARAN 14, trailer new sail. Ready to go! $950. 855- 2690. C.C.CAT your Catamarans Headquarters.

Go for it! 852- 7090. HOBIE Yachts Cape Dory O'Day Montgomery Vagabond Sunfish Sailsurfers. BOAT SHOP, 309 S. Shoreline 882- 6575. KONA KAT-Wind Surfing CatHOBIE 14-1982 National's.

Save THE BOAT SHOP, 882-6575. $1000. Texas colors-Longhorn, Oiler, Cowboy or Lone Star. Thrills without spills. C.C.

Cats, 852-7090, PEARSON 26 O.D. Like new '78. Evinrude plus extras. Rockport 1-729-1000. 356.

Boats Sall 214.9 PRINDLE 16 Catamaran 1980. ATTE Many extras, priced to sell reac 852-7090 or 854-2747. tage sum PRINDLE 18' Catamaran 2 yrs with old, exc. cond. aft.

6pm. 855- 2594. ed. SUNFISH-THE BOAT SHOP is imr now a dealer of AMF Sunfish vest Alcort sailboats 882-6575. VID SAILING 7301 TRADITIONAL yacht, 1980 Downeaster.

45' BRE ketch rig-loaded: Reverse air abs conditioning heat, micro- Oce wave oven, ry, icemaker, custom teak cabi- way nets entertainment center, mur Dinghey on davits, 3 private of staterooms with 2 electric or heads, custom fabric interior, cate custom burgandy Jell-Coat. nan Serious buyers only. 214-369- by 1248 before 5pm. 854- WITNESS 35 world cruising ca- BRIC tamaran. Available sailaway inte starting at $74,000.

Fiberglass sun component kit starts with hull owr at $9500. Witness CatamaIngleside, Tex. 1-776- BY rans, 7524. cou det YOU KNOW the good fen a-ho-hum-day is a pretty nice of little boat, really. Buy why unit settle for a pretty nice anycan have a VA cup thing.

Now you better choice. G-Cat-Speed, $8,0 Thrills, Fantasy. Compare. pro C.C. 852-7090.

see 16 FT Venture Cat $900. 14 ft. GRE GULFCOAST $700. Sunfish nar $600. All with trailers.

Call 855-7008. BL 1976 WINDROSE, 24 ft. in ex- HOU: cellent cond. 3 sails, 6 hp. Evinrude.

$6,000 firm. 855- pat 1823 aft 5 p.m. LAM 358. Bouts Slips 2 der Storage Pal CUSTOM MADE Hitches. U- Ow HAUL HITCH WORLD.

4040 LOO! S.P.I.D. 855-3977. loa hor 360. Boat Supplies 4 bi 75HP EVINRUDE short shaft 101 boat motor, approx 10 hrs. can.

1-528-3928. MOR er 362. car tru AIRSTREAM AND Avion in stock, Sales and Service. NICE BISHOP MOBILE CENTER pin INC. 1122 SPID, C.C.

Tex. 855- kit 4095. WO gar ALJO 18' fully self contained AL travel trailer, tandem, Coleman roof, air cond. $2495. Will OLD finance for responsible party.

roa ANDERSON'S 1100 So. out Staples. hur Tel BEAUTIFUL: 23 ft. luxury trav- 2 St el trailer, front lounge, rear ma full bath, tub, shwr, fully self kle contained, bargain priced, wit bank finance. ANDERSON'S sta 1100 So.

Staples. na cal BISHOP MOBILE Center-Our Ru 16th year of service, repre- 991 senting these name brands: Airstream, Terry, Coach- 217. man, Kountry-Aire, Komfort and Avion travel trailers and A HI fifth wheels. Motorhomes by for Winnebago, Park Models and Du custom units. New and used dir sales, parts and service.

Mon. thru Fri. 8-6; Sat 8-1. 1122 uti SPID, Corpus Christi, Tx. 855- Irg 4095.

CC BLAZER TOP '75, for $175. 2 328 van seats (red) $70. bench ALL seat for blazer $75. All good del cond. 991-9176.

de CAMPER SALE fabulous or Skamper hardtop tent camp- ers. Bargain priced, bank financing with low dn pymt. 199. ANDERSON'S 1100 So. Staples.

CAMPING TRAILER sale, 1981 model closeout. Discounts on all Viking tent campers. By now and get a free awning PC and port-a-potti. Pleasureland So RV Center 1214 SPID. 853- $3 0101.

$6 CASH FOR clean, used travel trailers, any make or model. S6 Call 882-2043 or nights. Sunmi day 991-5778. CLEAN 25' yellowstone travel as trailer fully self contained, by full bath very good cond. with low dn pmt, bank fin.

$2 ANDERSON'S 1100 S. Staples. ga COME TO Bart's to see our first new 1982 35 ft. Overland Park Model Travel Trailer. 2 tip outs and many extras.

BART'S TRAILER SALES, Aransas Pass. COMPLETE SERVICE for RV'S parts and supplies. MURRAY'S 5635 Leopard 289-1494. CUSTOM MADE hitches. U- HAUL HITCH WORLD.

1201. N. Chaparral. 884-8248. EQUALIZIER HITCH for travel trailer.

Complete with brakes controls mirrors. $125. 991-5620. LAYTON 28' travel trailer, fully self contained, dbl door refrig, sleeps 6, rear dbl bed, beautiful decorator interior, sale price with low dn pymt, bank financed. ANDERSON'S 1100 So.

Staples. LUXURY LAYTON ft. travel trailer, tandem, sleeps 6, fully self-contained. Fiberglass etc. Bank financed, trade accepted.

ANDERSON'S 1100 S. Staples. PHOENIX POP-up tent camper, new water tank pump, good cond. aft. 3.

SKYLOUNGE 29' Layton travel trailer, sleeps 8, Irg. dib, door frig, nice living area, beautiful decorator interior, extras, bargain priced, bank financed, ANDERSON'S 1100 So. Staples. STARCRAFT popup trailer. Excellent cond, stove, ref, sleeps 6, $2200.

Phone 888- 4954. USED PARK model trailers for school, work, deer camp-all electric, 2 good selection. Also have used travel trailers and 5th wheels. BISHOP MOBILE CENTER, 1122 SPID, 855-4095. VIKING '76 pop-up trailer, sleeps 6, exc cond.

$1,650. Call Ni 241-2569. 1970 AIR conditioned elec. refrig. Scotty camper.

$1200. 528-2734. 364. Motor Homes AMERICAN CLIPPER, '77, long, 46,000 miles NFCU, $10,250. 854-1978.

CARECO RV. RENTAL, 852- 6010 fully self contained-25'. From mileage. CHAMPION 78:25 ft motor home, under 10,000 miles, self contained. sleeps 8, $18,900.

884-2481. DODGE '77, 20 ft Wolverine sleeps 6, fully self contained. exc cond. $9000 or best offer. 991-7840 aft 6pm or weekends.

RENTAL MOTOR Home. Self contained excellent condition. Call 241-3320. RENT NEW, 25 ft motor home, sleeps 6, luxury, equipped. 854-0171 days 991-5379 evenings.

SACRIFICE! AS is, needs engine overhaul. '73 Brougham 211, 33,00 actual miles. Sleeps 5, $3495. 854-9387 aft. 4pm..

Corpus Christi Caller-Times from Corpus Christi, Texas (2024)


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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.