Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (2024)


Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (1) Dominic Armato

The Republic | azcentral.com

Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (2)

Bourbon Steak | Fairmont Scottsdale Princess, 7575 E. Princess Drive.480-585-2694,scottsdaleprincess.com/sip-savor.

John Samora/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (3)

Al-Hana | 523 N. 20th St., Phoenix. 602-252-8996, baizmarket.com. |FOR SUBSCRIBERS:Dominic Armato's 100 essential metro Phoenix restaurants

Baiz Market/Facebook
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (4)

All Pierogi Kitchen|1245 W. Baseline Road, Mesa. 480-262-3349, allpierogi.com.

Nick Oza/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (5)

Alzohour|7814 N. 27th Ave., Phoenix. 602-433-5191, facebook.com/alzhourrestaurant.

David Wallace/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (6)

Andreoli Italian Grocer |8880 E. Via Linda, Scottsdale.480-614-1980,andreoli-grocer.com

Michel Duarte/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (7)

Arizona Wilderness Brewing Co.|721 N. Arizona Ave., Gilbert. 480-497-2739, azwbeer.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (8)

Asian Hong Kong Diner | 9880 S. Rural Road, Tempe.480-705-7486. Search"Asian Hong Kong" on Facebook.

Michael Schennum/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (9)

Atlas Bistro |2515 N. Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale.480-990-2433,atlasbistrobyob.com.

John Samora/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (10)

Balkan Bakery |1107 E. Bell Road, Phoenix.602-996-4598,facebook.com/BalkanBakery.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (11)

Barrio Cafe |2814 N. 16th St., Phoenix.602-636-0240,barriocafe.com.

Michael Chow/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (12)

Barrio Cafe Gran Reserva |1301 W. Grand Ave., Phoenix.602-252-2777,barriocafe.com.

David Wallace/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (13)

Binkley's |2320 E. Osborn Road, Phoenix.602-388-4874,binkleysrestaurant.com.

Michael Chow/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (14)

Bitter & Twisted Cocktail Parlour |Luhrs Building, 1 W. Jefferson St., Phoenix.602-340-1924,

Bitter & Twisted Cocktail Parlour
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (15)

The Breadfruit & Rum Bar |108 E. Pierce St., Phoenix.602-267-1266,thebreadfruit.com.

Tom Tingle/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (16)

Bri |2221 N. Seventh St., Phoenix.602-595-8635,brion7th.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (17)

Buddyz |18423 E. San Tan Blvd., Queen Creek.480-822-1225. Gilbert and Phoenix locations atbuddyzpizza.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic, Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (18)

Café Chenar|1601 E. Bell Road, Phoenix. 602-354-4505. Search "Cafe Chenar" on Facebook.

Mark Henle/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (19)

Casa Filipina |3531 W. Thunderbird Road, Phoenix.602-942-1258,casafilipina.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (20)

Carolina's |1202 E. Mohave St., Phoenix.602-252-1503,carolinasmex.com.

John Samora/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (21)

Chou's Kitchen |910 N. Alma School Road, Chandler, 480-821-2888.Also, 1250 E. Apache Blvd., Tempe. 480-557-8888,chouskitchen.com.

Charlie Leight/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (22)

Chula Seafood|8015 E. Roosevelt Road, Scottsdale.480-621-5121,chulaseafood.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (23)Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (24)

Cotton & Copper |1006 E. Warner Road, Tempe.480-629-4270,cottonandcopperaz.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (25)

Crepe Bar|7520 S. Rural Road, Tempe.480-247-8012,crepe-bar.com.

Mark Henle/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (26)

Crujiente Tacos |3961 E. Camelback Road, Phoenix.602-687-7777,crutacos.com.

Debby Wolvos
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (27)

Detroit Coney Grill |930 W. Broadway Road, Tempe.480-219-7430,detroitconeygrill.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (28)

Drunken Tiger |1954 S. Dobson Road, Mesa.480-755-7555,drunkentigeraz.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (29)

Durant's | 2611 N. Central Ave., Phoenix.602-264-5967,durantsaz.com.

The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (30)

El Caprichoso | 2826 N. 35th Ave., Phoenix. 602-561-3723,facebook.com/sonorandogs.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (31)

El Horseshoe Restaurant |2140 W. Buckeye Road, Phoenix.602-251-3135,facebook.com/ElHorseshoeRestaurant.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (32)

Essence Bakery Cafe |3830 W. Indian School Road, Phoenix.602-296-4958,essencebakery.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (33)

Fabio on Fire | 8275 W. Lake Pleasant Parkway, Peoria.623-680-5385,fabioonfire.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (34)

Fat Ox| 6316 N. Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale. 480-307-6900,ilovefatox.com.

Patrick Breen/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (35)

FnB |7125 E. Fifth Ave., Scottsdale.480-284-4777,fnbrestaurant.com.

Tom Tingle/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (36)

Franco's Italian Caffe | 4327 N. Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale.480-481-7614,francosscottsdale.com.

Michael McNamara/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (37)

Fry Bread House |4545 N. Seventh Ave., Phoenix.602-351-2345,facebook.com/frybreadhouse.

Jennifer McClellan/azcentral.com
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (38)

Gallo Blanco | 928 E. Pierce St., Phoenix.602-327-0880,galloblancocafe.com.

Tom Tingle/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (39)

Ghost Ranch | 1006 E. Warner Road, Tempe.480-474-4328,ghostranchaz.com.

Michael Chow/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (40)

The Gladly |2201 E. Camelback Road, Phoenix.602-759-8132,thegladly.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (41)

Glai Baan |2333 E. Osborn Road, Phoenix.602-595-5881,facebook.com/glaibaanaz.

Patrick Breen/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (42)

Hana Japanese Eatery |5524 N. Seventh Ave., Phoenix.602-973-1238,hanajapaneseeatery.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (43)

Hearth '61 |Mountain Shadows Resort, 5445 E. Lincoln Drive, Paradise Valley.480-624-5400,mountainshadows.com/dining/hearth.

Courtesy Of The James Agency, Courtesy Of The James Agency
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (44)

Hodori| 1116 S. Dobson Road, Mesa.480-668-7979,hodoriaz.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (45)

Hot Noodles, Cold Sake |15689 N. Hayden Road, Scottsdale.480-432-9898,hotnoodlescoldsake.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (46)

Hue Gourmet |Mekong Plaza, 66 S. Dobson Road, Mesa.480-251-7429,huegourmet.net.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (47)

Hush Public House|14202 N. Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale. 480-758-5172, hushpublichouse.com.

Tom Tingle/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (48)

J&G Steakhouse |The Phoenician, 6000 E. Camelback Road, Phoenix.480-214-8000,jgsteakhousescottsdale.com.

Tom Tingle/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (49)

JL Smokehouse|1712 E. Broadway Road, Phoenix.501-353-6844,jlsmokehouse.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (50)

Jollof King |325 W. Elliot Road, Tempe.480-550-7292,jollofkingaz.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (51)

Kai|Sheraton Grand at Wild Horse Pass, 5594 W. Wild Horse Pass Blvd., Gila River Reservation.602-225-0100,wildhorsepassresort.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (52)

La 15 y Salsas Restaurant Oaxaqueño|722 W. Hatcher Road, Phoenix. 602-870-2056,facebook.com/La15YSalsas.

David Wallace/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (53)

La Piazza al Forno / La Piazza PHX |5803 W. Glendale Ave., Glendale.623-847-3301,lapiazzaalforno.com. Also, La Piazza PHX, 1 N. First St., Phoenix. 602-795-7116,lapiazzaphx.com.

Barbara Yost
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (54)

La Piñata |5521 N. Seventh Ave., Phoenix.602-279-1763,lapinatarestaurantaz.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (55)

Lamp Wood Oven Pizzeria |8900 E. Pinnacle Peak Road, Scottsdale.480-272-6889,lamppizza.com.

Lamp Wood Oven Pizzeria
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (56)

The Larder + The Delta | Portland on The Park, 200 W. Portland St., Phoenix.480-409-8520,thelarderandthedelta.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (57)

Little India | 1813 E. Baseline Road, Tempe.480-730-7770,littleindiaaz.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (58)

Little Miss BBQ |4301 E. University Drive, Phoenix.602-437-1177,littlemissbbq.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (59)

Los Andes Peruvian Cuisine in Phoenix | 6025 N. 27th Ave.,Phoenix.602-368-9205,facebook.com/losandesperuviancuisine.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (60)

Millie's Cafe | 1916 W. Baseline Road, Mesa.480-223-8217,facebook.com/milliescafeaz.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (61)

Mora Italian | 5651 N. Seventh St., Phoenix.602-795-9943,moraitalian.com.

Tom Tingle/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (62)

Mowry & Cotton | The Phoenician, 6000 E. Camelback Road, Phoenix.480-423-2530,mowryandcotton.com.

Mark Henle/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (63)

Naked BBQ / NakedQ |2340 W. Bell Road, Phoenix, 602-439-4227.Also, 10240 N. 90th St., Scottsdale. 480-912-2102,thenakedbbq.com.

Jennifer McClellan/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (64)

Nishikawa Ramen |1901 E. Ray Road, Chandler.480-306-6349. Also, 3141 E. Indian School Road, Phoenix. 602-368-8774,nishikawa-ramen.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (65)

Noble Eatery |4525 N. 24th St., Phoenix.602-688-2424,nobleeatery.com.

John Samora/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (66)

Nobuo at Teeter House |Heritage Square, 622 E. Adams St., Phoenix.602-254-0600,nobuofukuda.com.

John Samora/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (67)

Old Town Sarajevo| 3411 W. Northern Ave., Phoenix.602-680-7726,facebook.com/OldTownSarajevo.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (68)

Old Town Taste|1845 E. Broadway Road, Tempe. 480-702-7101. Search "Old Town Taste" on Facebook.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (69)

Ollie Vaughn's |1526 E. McDowell Road, Phoenix. 602-254-1392,ollievaughns.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (70)

Original Cuisine |1853 W. Broadway Road, Mesa.480-255-7810,originalcuisinemesa.com.

Tom Tingle/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (71)

Otro Cafe |6035 N. Seventh St., Phoenix.602-266-0831,otrocafe.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (72)

Pane Bianco|4404 N. Central Ave., Phoenix. 602-234-2100, pizzeriabianco.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (73)

Pa'La | 2107 N. 24th St., Phoenix.602-795-9500,palakitchen.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (74)

Piazza Romana|10210 E. McDowell Road, Avondale. 623-936-7338, piazzaromanaaz.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (75)

The Parlor | 1916 E. Camelback Road, Phoenix.602-248-2480,theparlor.us.

Photo By: John Samora/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (76)

Pho Thanh|1702 W. Camelback Road, Phoenix. 602-242-1979. Search "Pho Thanh" on Facebook.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (77)

Pho Winglee |111 S. Dobson Road, Mesa.480-668-1060,facebook.com/phowinglee.

Michael Chow/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (78)

Pizzeria Bianco | Heritage Square, 623 E. Adams St., Phoenix, 602-258-8300.Town & Country, 4743 N. 20th St., Phoenix. 602-368-3273,pizzeriabianco.com.

The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (79)

Quiessence | The Farm at South Mountain, 6106 S. 32nd St., Phoenix.602-276-0601,qatthefarm.com.

Rob Schumacher/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (80)

Reathrey Sekong |1312 E. Indian School Road, Phoenix.480-238-0238,facebook.com/Reathrey-Sekong-Cambodian-Cuisine.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (81)

Restaurant Huauchinangos |1620 E. University Drive, Mesa.480-835-2054. Search"Restaurant Huauchinangos Mexican Food" on Facebook.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (82)

Roka Akor |7299 N. Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale.480-306-8800,rokaakor.com.

Roka Akor
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (83)

Sel| 7044 E. Main St., Scottsdale.480-949-6296,selrestaurant.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (84)

Shaanxi Garden |67 N. Dobson Road, Mesa.480-733-8888,shaanxibiangbiang.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (85)

ShinBay|3720 N. Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale. 480-361-1021, shin-bay.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (86)

Sizzle | Desert Ridge Marketplace, 21001 N. Tatum Blvd., Phoenix.480-265-9406,sizzlekoreanbbq.com.

Rob Schumacher/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (87)

Sushi Nakano |4025 E. Chandler Blvd., Phoenix.602-603-2129,facebook.com/sushinakanoaz.

Tom Tingle/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (88)

Talavera | Four Seasons Resort Scottsdale, 10600 E. Crescent Moon Drive.480-513-5086,talaverarestaurant.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (89)

Tratto|Town & Country, 4743 N. 20th St., Phoenix.602-296-7761,trattophx.com.

Michael Chow/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (90)

Virtù Honest Craft |Bespoke Inn, 3701 N. Marshall Way, Scottsdale.480-946-3477,virtuscottsdale.com.

Mark Henle/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (91)

Vovomeena | 1515 N. Seventh Ave., Phoenix.602-252-2541,vovomeena.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (92)

Nocawich|777 S. College Ave., Tempe.480-758-5322,nocawich.com.

John Samora/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (93)

Ocotillo |3243 N. Third St., Phoenix.602-687-9080,ocotillophx.com.

David Wallace/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (94)

Pomo Pizzeria Napoletana |8977 N. Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale.480-998-1366. Also 705 N. First St., Phoenix. 602-795-2555.pomopizzeria.com.

Michael McNamara/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (95)

Rancho Pinot | 6208 N. Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale.480-367-8030,ranchopinot.com.

Dominic Armato / The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (96)

Shamy Market & Bakery|1110 W. Southern Ave., Mesa. 480-207-1805, facebook.com/shamymarket.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (97)

Super Chunk Sweets / New Wave Market |7120 E. Sixth Ave., Scottsdale.602-736-2383,newwavemarket.com.

Super Chunk Sweets & Treats
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (98)

Tacos Chiwas |1923 E. McDowell Road, Phoenix.602-358-8830,tacoschiwas.com.

Dominic Armato/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (99)

Welcome Chicken & Donuts |1535 E. Buckeye Road, Phoenix.602-258-1655,welcomechickenanddonuts.com.

Michael Chow
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (100)

Welcome Diner |929 E. Pierce St., Phoenix.602-495-1111,welcomediner.net.

John Samora/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (101)

Yasu Sushi Bistro |4316 E. Cactus Road, Phoenix.602-376-9823. Search"Yasu Sushi Bistro" on Facebook.

John Samora/The Republic
Looking for a great place to eat? These are the best restaurants in Phoenix (2024)


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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.