Day after the Bridgerton Ball (first ball of the season) 1814
Lady Portia Featherington was in a strop. She had told her girls that they need to find serious matches this year before the new Lord comes to Featherington House and throws out Portia and her young ladies. Prudence danced with Lord Mathis twice and he said he was coming to call later this morning. Lord Mathis is a bit older and indicated he would sign a contract with Portia today. Phillipa danced twice with Lord Gainer and he also said he would call this morning. Lord Gainer also wants a contract. It seems he and Phillipa both like bugs and have a lot in common. Both are Lords with some wealth. Both small barony’s. Phillipa would be away from London and so would Prudence. But they also made it clear to Portia that they would not be funding or paying for her. Just her daughters, they even told her they would sponsor her youngest daughter but nothing for her! Both Lords insisted on that being the contract they will sign. That will not do.
Her youngest daughter, Penelope, did not do what she was commanded to do. She instead danced with every eligible Bridgerton son, including the Viscount twice, including a waltz! Like her fat, frumpy daughter could turn a Viscount’s head! Well she was not going to allow this delusion another day. She and Penelope were going over during their breakfast and making a scene, a bad one. She knew it would fully cut Penelope off from the Bridgerton’s but Portia was desperate. Lord Greer had sent a missive with the pre contract they were signing that while he was intrigued by Penelope but concerned with her proximity to the Bridgerton’s. He is concerned she will have help to get away from him. He will be the worst husband to her daughter but he will keep Portia in resplendent wealth and she would get pity invites to things. It will work. Penelope is her only hope to be able to stay in the Ton and actually have money. Portia can not and will not allow her daughter to keep thinking she will be a Bridgerton. Portia was doing what needed to be done to get her daughter to see reason.
Portia got up, dressed and had Rae dress Penelope. She told the daft maid to dress her in her finest day dress. She had her dress Penelope with care. That was part of Portia’s plan. They would see how plain and frumpy and frankly, ugly her daughter is and then Portia can stop worrying about her status and enjoy the money Penelope will bring in. Portia isn’t upset that Penelope will not have children, her more pleasing daughters will have the grandchildren she wants. Today would be the worst day in her daughter’s life until a fortnight and she marries Lord Greer. So Penelope will be depressed, she won’t have put up with her long before she is married to Greer and taken away. Portia is completely convinced that this is the best course of action. Her housekeeper, Mrs. Varley did not agree and left this morning. Portia isn’t concerned she will be back.
She met up with Penelope in the dining room.
“Penelope, I told you that this season you must find a husband. Your sisters have two good matches coming today to sign contacts. You have nothing. What will take for your to understand that your Bridgerton’s do not want you?” Portia said.
“Mama, you know that Lord Bridgerton and I have been courting through letters, you have seen them. I danced with the man I am courting. Lord Bridgerton asked twice as is custom, Lord Basset once, Benedict and Colin once all at the behest of my beloved. Why are you acting…...” Penelope said quietly. She was standing next to her mother. Portia slapped her. “Mama! Lord Bridgerton sai….”
Portia slapped Penelope again. “There is no way you have attracted Lord Bridgerton! He was just being nice to you! They want nothing from you. They do not want you! I will make sure you see it this way! We are going now.” She pulled Penelope out of the house and across to Bridgerton House. She got the butler to let them in. He practically ran in front of Portia to announce them. She pulled Penelope into the dining room and saw that every single Bridgerton was there plus the Duke and Duchess of Hastings, Lady Danbury and her wards. Good, she thought, that will make this easier.
”Lady Featherington! To what do…” Lady Violet Bridgerton started.
”I have brought my feckless daughter here to make sure we are all in agreement. Penelope must find a husband this year. We still do not have a new Lord yet and I know he will be horrid. My other two girls have Lords coming over to see about signing contracts today. We only have their dowries because of your husband. He helped protect that money from Archie. Penelope does not need hers as I will sign a contract with Lord Greer on her behalf.” Portia said. She looked around and they all looked shocked. Penelope was silently crying. She continued on. “Greer will take her and has mentioned that he will pay for me to stay in my home. He doesn’t want her near this family. This family keeps giving her false hope.” She does not notice how angry they all look. She is not understanding why they are all acting like Penelope is being courted by Lord Bridgerton.
”Greer?” A shocked Viscount Anthony Bridgerton asked quietly. “Penny?”
”I did not know, Tony. She just told me.” Penny said in tears. Portia scoffed.
”Please, am I to believe you care, Lord Bridgerton?” She asked.
”Yes.” He growled. “You are aware that we have been in contact via letters for months! I had planned to come over today to finalize the courtship and marriage I wanted with Penny. I would have come sooner but you literally came out of mourning yesterday.” He looked so angry. Penelope was shaking.
“So she gets letters from your sister, they were not from you.” Portia said with her nose in the air.
”Mama, I told you I was writing Anthony, Lady Bridgerton, both Mister Bridgerton’s, Eloise and I sent stories back and forth with the input of Gregory and Hyacinth. I also wrote to Miss Francesca while she was studying in Bath.” Penelope said, “I told you the letters from Anthony were courting letters. You dismissed me.”
Portia slapped her hard. Penelope was holding her cheek as tears fell down her face. “See what I am saying Lord Bridgerton, she is clearly lying about your family!”
”If you lay another finger on my future wife, I will take a strap to you myself. Penny, baby please come here.” Anthony said in a quiet seething anger. Penelope went directly to him. He looked at her cheek and touched it with the back of his hand. “Oh, my Penny. Are you alright?” He asked in a soft tone.
”I am now that I am here with you.” She said, “I missed you so much, darling.” She hugged him and cried. He hugged her and glared at her mother.
”You can not be serious! You can not marry Penelope! She is too fat, too ugly to be a Viscountess. I will not allow it! She is marrying Greer.” Portia yelled at them. Anthony growled and Penelope started to curl in on herself crying. Simon and Daphne were at the breakfast as they had stayed the night after the ball.
Simon stood up. “You will find, madam, that Miss Penelope is no longer in your custody and is in mine. To be blunt, Portia Featherington you have no Lord at your home at present and as your country seat is within my lands, I can and will take custody of her and that is final.” He slammed his fist on the table. “My will be done on this matter.”
“Your will be done, Your Grace.” Daphne said quickly. As did Violet and then Penelope.
Portia was outraged. “I have already signed a pre-contract with Greer! It matters not where she is, it is my duty to see to my child and she is marrying Lord Greer. That is final.” Portia was truly not understanding what was going on and Anthony Bridgerton had enough.
“Greer will get a message today that Miss Penelope is engaged to be married to me. He will not go against myself or Lord Basset. If he attempts to, he will find himself dead, don’t think I can’t do it! Not only that, the Prince Regent will also get the same message. He owes our family and he will approve any special license for us.” He looked down at Penny and breathed in her scent to calm himself. “I know you were told by Penny that I was writing to her and why. I also know you got a letter from myself and my mother inviting you to Aubrey Hall as we would soon be family and you declined because Penelope would be in the way! If you had actually paid attention, we’d be married by now!”
“Those letters were clearly written by your brother and sister. Why you insist on this charade is beyond me. She is ugly and fat. She must make a match that is beneficial to me and yet she is not. You are…..” Portia was interrupted by a slap from Lady Agatha Danbury who was also at breakfast having stayed over with her new wards, the Sharma sisters.
“I am terribly sorry Violet. It seems I was taken by the vapors. I did not see you there Portia.” Agatha said. “”Now, Miss Penelope. Let us get you some ice for that cheek or something cool. I daresay that is not the first hit you have had on this day, this month or this year.”
“Now, Portia, did Penelope tell you about the letters?” Agatha asked.
“Yes she did.”
“How did she act when it came to the mail?”
“She was giddy, even in mourning. She begged to go to Aubrey Hall but I refused and told her it was because they were being kind not that they liked her, which is true. I told her to get over that crush she has on the third born.”
“Mama! I showed you the letters from Anthony! I told you I had been invited to Aubrey Hall as a potential bride for him. You told me that lying was not an attractive trait and that he was just using me to get to Prudence. Even last night when Prudence complimented me on my dances with Anthony and how he looked at me, you told her to shut up and that celebrating pity dances was beneath us. You then made them go to their rooms because they were being too nice to me.” Penelope said angrily. “You were so focused on who you thought I could marry, you never paid attention to the man I am in love and want to marry and that is Anthony. Colin is my friend. He is not the man I love, that is Anthony.” She was crying by the end and Anthony held her. He was comforting her.
“I love you too, Penny.” Anthony whispered into her hair.
“If you had ever paid attention last year, Lady Featherington, you would have seen Anthony paying attention to Pen. Talking with Pen. Following her every move. She is exactly the woman we would have for Anthony. She brings him out of his Viscount persona, she makes him whole. He completes her. To have you besmirch her in this way is sickening. To see you put her down, not pay attention to the lovely woman she is, makes me so angry. You can not see past your own inadequacies to see that Penelope is the best of you! Leave them alone or face our wrath!” Colin shouted. “You may go straight to hell madam. My apologies, Mother, I am too angry to be in proper company. I am sorry Anthony I must leave for my own temper. I apologize for the scene. You and Pen don’t deserve my outburst.”
“Thank you, Colin. You did nothing wrong.” Anthony said, “you may go.” Colin shook his hand.
“Thank you Colin.” Penny said quietly to him as they hugged. He glared at Portia and left.
“None of this makes sense.” Portia said incredulously, like she could not believe this was happening. “You never even looked at her. You did not dance with her last year. You did not make yourself known.”
“And with good reason! You have hit your daughter at least twice today. She told you about our letters, you got one from me and from my mother. Your staff knows because my waistcoat matched Penny’s dress last night. Her maid, Rae, is very aware that we were courting through letters. She has been in contact with Mrs. Wilson, per my request. Rae will be coming to my employ. Now.” Anthony paused and looked at Penny. “Penny will have to….”
“Penny will be ours, brother. She will stay with us at Basset House until you are wed and then she can come back here. Once this is over we will make our way to the modieste so that Penny will get a new wardrobe fit for a Viscountess. Penny, dear heart, should we get your sisters as well?” Daphne asked.
“Yes please, Your Grace.” Prudence called from the door. She and Phillipa had followed their mother and sister over. “Oh, Penny. Look at your face! Mother! Did you really bring Penny here to yell at her and hit her in front of her fiance and his family? Oh Penny. I am so sorry, poppet. You were so excited.”
“You knew and didn’t tell me?” Portia asked as she went to backhand Prudence. Benedict stopped her.
“You will not harm another person in my presence, Lady Featherington. That’s the thing about us artistic types, we feel everything more than others, including anger. I can and will make you disappear Portia, don’t ever forget that.” he sneered at her. “Miss Prudence, Miss Phillipa please go stand by Lord Basset, it would make me feel better.”
“Of course, Mr. Bridgerton. Philly and I like the men that our mother threw at us. They like us and dislike her. Once we are wed we can leave and go to the country. That is where Philly and I want to live. We support Penny in being wherever she wants and she wants Lord Bridgerton. Then she will get Lord Bridgerton, Mother, end of the bloody story.” Prudence said. “Not Greer.” Phillipa nodded along.
“Once this is done, we will discuss the Lords with you both.” Simon said. “It will be my duty to make sure they have your best interests at heart.”
“Thank you, Your Grace. She only wants Greer for Penny because he is offering her quite a bit of money for her to stay in the Ton and he is offering her a flat rate of 50,000 pounds should he kill Penny. She has correspondence from him, he wrote the awful things he would do to our Penny. Mother is doing this for the money.” Phillipa said. “Just because we act stupid and vapid like you want, Mother, does not mean we actually are stupid and vapid. We just act this way to survive you! Please save our sister, please!” She then burst into tears and Eloise got up and went to hug her. She then picked up water and threw it in Portia’s face.
“Aren’t you….” Portia started.
“Eloise, thank you sister. Go and sit down. If you don’t like it Portia, leave.” Anthony said and then he let go of Penny and she went to her sisters and hugged them. “Thank you for defending me.”
“Please, Penny. You know it’s P3 against the world!” Prudence said.
“In India, she would be exiled and thrown out of society. Can we do that here?” Edwina Sharma asked with a look of disdain for the Featherington matriarch.
“Edwina!” Her sister, Kate exclaimed, “That is impolite, as we are guests in the Bridgerton’s lovely home. Viscount Bridgerton, you should know we hunt people such as this for sport in our area in India and I am a good shot. I would be more than happy to show you Brits how it’s done. Your lovely fiance does not deserve such disrespect.” She finished and glared at Portia.
“Thank you, Miss Sharma. I believe we have it in hand, but it is such a tempting thought!” He said. Penelope playfully slapped at his stomach with a weak, “Anthony!” That ended with him giving her a quick kiss on the cheek and her amazing blush.
“James, get Humboldt.” Violet said to the footman in the room. When he walked in, “Humboldt, please direct Mrs. Wilson to put Operation Save Penelope into play. I want it executed quickly.”
“If I may, My Lady, when they arrived, I saw the mark forming on Miss Penelope’s face. I already put the Operation into action. Miss Eloise, we had the room next to your’s made up for Miss Penelope if she is staying here. Her Lady’s Maid, Rae, has packed up her room and our footman and the Featherington footman are bringing it all over now. Miss Rae is asking if she can accompany Miss Penelope here. My Lord, Edward is waiting word to pack you up for your bachelor lodging.” Humboldt said with a bow.
“Magnificent! Tell Rae she is now in my employ and I will be meeting with her later today. As always we are in awe of your forethought.” Anthony said, “We are still coming up with a plan. Obviously after today, Lady Featherington will not be allowed in any Bridgerton property.”
“Or Danbury. As the senior member of Queen Charlotte’s Court, I will be forced to tell her about this at tea today. We will have to go to the Palace after this, Miss Kate and Miss Edwina. I can’t imagine that going well for you, Portia.” Agatha said.
“Kate, we get to go meet The Queen!” Edwina said. “Miss Penelope, Miss Eloise would you be willing to help us pick out dresses?”
“Oh of course, we can help you both!” Penelope said. “Her Majesty likes jewel tones. Maybe not purple.”
“Not purple since last year at the Smythe-Smith thing. The purple drinks and Lord Cho did not make the Queen like the color. But you are both so pretty, any color you have will work.” Eloise added.
“What is going on? There will be no modieste visit. Prudence and Phillipa have suitors coming to sign marriage contracts. Penelope needs to be home, she will go on a diet as per Lord Greer’s specifications. No one can take custody of her from me.” Portia yelled. She tried to walk over to Penelope but she fell. The youngest Bridgerton’s worked together to make her fall. Gregory reached for her foot and Hyacinth pushed her.
“Gregory! Hyacinth! This is not how we treat guests!” Violet cried. She was scolding them because someone else was there, she agreed with what they did. “Lady Danbury, Miss Edwina, Miss Kathani, please know while they are spirited they do not attack guests!”
“Penny is family and our future sister.” Gregory started.
“AND no one hurts our family.” Hyacinth finished. They both ran to Anthony and got behind him and Penny.
“Well I never! Violet, you must control your brood!” Portia sneered at her, “I do not know how you got these people to….”
“I have had enough.” Penny yelled. “Mother, you have lost. You heard His Grace, the Duke of Hastings, he is taking custody of all three of us. I care not what contract you think you have with Lord Greer, it will not happen. I believe the entire family would abscond to Gretna Green to see us wed. Her Majesty would be angry that yet another titled man went to Gretna instead of honoring her with allow her to give us her good tidings. It would harm Anthony politically but we will if needs must.” She took a deep breath and continued. “Mother, you are done here. You were so sure that no one would want me, you decided to sell me off to Greer so you’d have money, so you’d have a home. You never once would have thrown Prudence or Phillipa at him. I begged you to read Anthony’s letters. I begged you to listen. But you decided you were right and nothing else mattered. I certainly do not matter to you.”
Violet got up and moved to Penelope and hugged her. She also reached for Prudence and Phillipa. “Oh my girls! We will take care of this all. Prudence and Phillipa go to Humboldt and have him send people over to get your things. Benedict accompany them please.” They left and Violet looked at Portia. She walked over to the floundering Lady.
“Portia, let me be clear, you no longer have daughters. We will take them and let them shine. You will have to watch Penelope be Viscountess Bridgerton. She will shape and mold society, just as I do, just as Lady Danbury does. She has shined even with your godawful parenting. If you think this will not be known by this evening in every house in Mayfair you are mistaken. You are done. You will be exiled, mark my words.”
“You can not be serious.” Portia said.
“She’s deadly serious and if she wasn’t going to do it, Her Grace, myself and Her Majesty would take care of it. As it is, I would doubt you even be allowed in Mayfair by night fall. Get your affairs in order Lady Featherington. I believe you will find that you are done.” Lady Danbury said. “You can be assured I will see to it personally.”
“Penelope does not deserve this! I demand money if you insist on this charade, Lord Bridgerton.” Portia continued, “I was forced to keep her when we had her. Archie wouldn’t allow me to give her away. She is exactly like her sainted grandmother. Kind. Soft. She owes me for keeping her. I deserve to be rewarded for putting up with her.”
“That is your daughter you hateful bitch.” Daphne spat at her. “She is kind yes, but she is not soft, you have seen to that. You have beaten her down so much she had to be convinced of my brother’s love for her. She even tried to offer to set him up with others because she said she wasn’t the right woman for him. Based on what you have said to her repeatedly. Darling, I want her to get nothing.”
“Of course, dear heart. You will be done on the matter as far as I’m concerned.” Simon said with a sneer. “Let us go Lady Featherington. You are confined to your home. Your staff will confine you. My Duchess has spoken.”
“Thomas, get Humboldt and escort this woman out of the house. Lord Basset will go to confine her.” Anthony said. “When you are done, Simon, please meet me in my study when you return.”
Simon followed Thomas, Humboldt out with a screaming Portia Featherington between them. She finally stopped once they got to the door and attempted to walk on her own but Simon wouldn’t have it and marched her over. He told her staff what to do and sent word to the Palace of the problem. He walked back over to Anthony’s study.
“She is there and confined. Her housekeeper walked off the job, the butler is sending word so she can attempt to help. The entire staff is working to keep her there. I sent word to the Palace we will see.” Simon said. “Now, how the hell did she not understand you were courting her daughter through letters?”
Anthony sighed and took a drink, “It took me months of work to get Penny to do the letters. She told Portia but then her father died and they went into mourning. Penny and I both were straight with her but Portia is exceedingly dumb. Penny was hit a lot this morning and during their time in the country. Prudence made Penny show her back. Portia had taken a pair of Archibald’s suspenders and had beaten Penny on the back with them. That’s why she was stiff last night. She had planned to tell me during calling hours. So the result would be the same.”
“Simon, Anthony already wrote Greer and it’s being delivered. He included Prudence and Phillipa in the protection of Bridgerton and Hastings.” Benedict said after a drag of his cigarette. “I meant it gentleman, I can take care of this problem.”
“Benny, you are going to kill someone?” Anthony said skeptically.
“Oh, not me personally, I know a guy who knows a guy.” Ben said. They all laughed at that.
“I have written to the Palace for a special license. I thought I needed it from the Palace instead of the Archbishop. Greer would attempt to sway the Archbishop, he won’t mess with the Crown.” Anthony said, “At least I think.”
”No that is a good idea. Greer even looks at her wrong and the Queen will have him executed.” Simon said, “Where are our ladies?”
”Upstairs. Daphne sent word to the modieste and she will come here to work with them. Daphne wants to stay here tonight.” Anthony said, “I will go to my bachelor lodgings to be safe. They are now helping the Sharma’s get ready for the Palace.”
”Good. I had the Featherington Butler know to send Prudence and Phillipa’s suitors here. The butler showed me that the two Lords offered to care for Penny but not Portia. She is doing this for the money. He gave me the name of her family in Ireland.” Simon shook his head, “Found correspondence from them, they will only take the girls not Portia. She is going to be on the streets or exiled.”
”As her sponsor, you should know I fully proposed to Penny and gave her mother’s ring.” Anthony took a drink of his whiskey, “With a special license, we can be married next Saturday.”
There was a knock at the door and Colin came in.
”I have apologized to the littles and the ladies for my outburst, I wanted to apologize to you all.” Colin said.
“No need, you called out that bitch, it was glorious!” Benedict said. The others laughed.
”Getting Penelope away from her is the best. Now, I have a question.” Colin said as he poured himself some whiskey. “How do we take care of that bitch?”
”No worries, brother, we have it in hand.”
There was a knock at the door, “Your Grace, My Lord, Lord Mathis and Lord Gainer are here, so is the new Lord Featherington. Also Mr. Chiron, your solicitor is here.” Humboldt said has he lead the men into the office.
Once they exchanged pleasantries and Simon and the two Lords began discussing the contracts with Mr. Chiron. Anthony, Colin and Benedict spoke with Lord Featherington.
”So she made the poor girl come here and she abused her?” Jack Featherington said angrily, “Is Miss Penelope alright?”
”Yes, she is now.” Anthony said, “I have already proposed. I did discuss with the Duke of Hastings as he took custody of Penny.”
”No worries, My Lord. Just wanted to make sure they are safe. The staff informed me she is contained in her rooms. They have the stable boys outside guarding the trellis, I have a footman guarding the door as well. I have rope, do I need to tie her up?” Jack said.
”No, she is still nobility. Even if it is minor. The Queen would be angry.” Colin said, “But maybe?”
They all laughed. Simon finished up with the Lords and took them to the drawing room to finish up with Prudence and Phillipa. They would be married in the drawing room in three days time. Both girls requested to be wed as soon as possible and the Lords had gotten special licenses for them. Simon and Daphne would make sure they got the dowries for the girls and then they would be off to their country homes.
Anthony offered Jack Penny’s dowry to help with the debts left by Archibald. Jack refused to take it all but he had the books with him. Penny had a secured 12,000 pound dowry. It would take 6,000 of that to get the Barony solvent. Penny had told Anthony to secure the Featherington estate’s help and to use her dowry if need be. Jack would have time if he got the 6,000 so he agreed. Jack asked for help in being a Baron and since Colin and Ben had been trained like Anthony, they agreed to help him. After this and meeting the girls Jack left to make sure that Portia stayed where she was.
Lady Danbury and the Sharmas met with Queen Charlotte. To say Her Majesty was furious was saying something. She knew Portia Featherington and never liked her but the Queen did like her girls. She directed Brimsley to make sure that Anthony and Penelope got a special license and asked to be invited to the wedding. When King George burst in and Edwina helped His Majesty, Queen Charlotte named her the Diamond of the Season and told her that at the next ball in two days she would be introduced to Prince Frederick, her favorite nephew. Before they left, Charlotte sent the Queen’s Guard to arrest Portia and bring her in. She also sent word to Anthony and Penelope that Portia would no longer be an issue.
Portia Featherington was sitting in the Palace and she was still confused. She had been locked up like a common criminal by the Duke and the Viscount. She would make them all pay. She was going to make sure her daughter suffered if it was the last thing she did. She was of noble birth; she would not be executed, she knows. The Guard came and took into the Throne Room. Queen Charlotte and the Prince Regent were on the thrones. Lady Danbury, Lady Bridgerton were also there.
”Portia Alexandria Featherington, Dowager Baroness of Surrey, you have been accused of three counts of abusing your children, fifteen counts of abusing your help. You have been accused of interfering with a Noble’s Marriage. How do you plead?” The Prince Regent drawled.
”Your Royal Highness,” Portia began, “It is my duty to see to my daughter’s welfare. My girls made good matches. But the Bridgerton’s took that out of my hand.”
”What of your lovely third daughter, Miss Penelope?” Queen Charlotte asked.
”She somehow got the Bridgerton’s to all lie for her about Viscount Bridgerton courting her. It was pathetic really.” Portia said. “The entire family is lying about it.”
”Well that’s odd considering a letter one received from Viscount Bridgerton. “Your Majesty, I implore you to grant myself and Miss Penelope Anne Featherington a special license. She has had my heart since the beginning of last season. I saw her at her presentation and I could see her by my side, full with my children. She smiled at me it was small but there. It took me nearly the entire season to get her to understand how I felt and how I knew she was the one. She is the beating half of my heart. Her mother is attempting to marry her to Lord Greer. To be blunt, Your Majesty, I will spirit her away to Gretna Green or the Continent so fast it would seem as if we materialized there over night.” Queen Charlotte paused to dab at her eyes. “I would risk my standing in the Ton, nay in Britain, to have my Penny by my side. She grounds me in ways I didn’t know I needed. She helps me in planning for my land and estate. She listens to my troubles. If not for the untimely and sad death of her father, we would already be wed. We courted through letters because of Penny's mourning of her father. Please I beseech you, Your Gracious and Loving Majesty, to help me keep my Penny safe, please grant us this boon.”
She stopped at that point as she was too emotional to continue. A loud sob pierced the air. She looked over at Lady Bridgerton who was crying and being held by an equally emotional Agatha Danbury.
”My apologies, Your Majesty, but that is the Anthony I lost the day we lost my Edmund.” Violet said with a sigh, “Penelope has brought my Anthony back to us. I have longed for this day.”
”My Lady,” the Prince Regent said, “I fully understand. It seems that the true mothers in the room were moved.” He was glaring at Portia who looked confused and bored.
”Violet, my dear, you love your children deeply. Do not apologize for being emotional over the gift Miss Penelope has given you. You have much to cherish these days. I grant the license, obviously.” Queen Charlotte said as she wiped at her eyes. “Your Anthony has never been that verbose in one’s presence. One observed their dance last night, he looked at no other. Their waltz was so romantic that six different couples all stopped to watch them move and they did not even notice. They were that taken with each other. One told Brimsley.”
”Yes of course!” Brimsley said, “Oh Lady Bridgerton, they were enchanting. Many a young debutant were enthralled with them. During their several tours around the room, you could tell they were in their own bubble. Her Majesty and I both thought that Viscount Bridgerton would be here asking for permission to marry her. Might I have permission to speak with the defendant, Your Majesty?”
”Of course.”
”Portia, you nearly lost your daughter the love of her life. Viscount Bridgerton was so rattled by your behavior at his home he wrote a letter begging Her Majesty’s forgiveness but he had to write because he could not leave her side. He, in detail, described her injuries at your hand. He is not a man prone to poetry or dramatics and yet he was both in his letter to Her Majesty and His Royal Highness.” Brimsley paused to take a breath. “Your daughter is making the match of the season and yet you abused her in front of not only Lord Bridgerton and his entire family but in front of Their Graces The Duke and Duchess of Hastings. Have you no shame?”
”I do not believe my daughter has made any such match.” Portia said stubbornly.
“Good Lord woman! Are you addled in the mind?” The Prince Regent sneered.
“No. I understand now. I just couldn’t believe based on how she is.” Portia answered.
”Well you are banished. You are stripped of your title. You are to be taken to Australia. The boat leaves in 2 hours. You will be provided with a small wardrobe and because he is a gracious man, Lord Bridgerton is giving you 5 pounds.” Queen Charlotte said, “Guards take her away.”
Portia was taken out as she was dragged past Violet she begged for help. Violet just turned her back.
”Your Majesty the wedding for Anthony and our Penelope will be married next Saturday at our home, we would be honored if you would attend. It will be at 12 pm with a breakfast to follow.” Violet asked the Queen while Portia stopped shouting to gape at Violet.
”One is so pleased to attend, Violet. One looks forward to the wedding. Your ball last evening was a true triumph! You gave us the couple of the season and our diamond! The bar is certainly high now.” The Queen smirked and bid everyone a good day.
Later that evening, Portia Featherington could not sleep on the packed rocking boat. She had never had slept well in the presence of others. She was still in shock. She could not believe how this day turned out. She had really never given Penelope any thought. She knew why she was so mean to Penelope it was because she was forced to marry Archibald. She had thought she had gotten the eye of Viscount Edmund Bridgerton but no. That insipid wallflower Violet Ledger got in the way of that and when Portia went outside to catch her breath she tripped and landed on Archie and they had an audience. She was stuck with him and hated him for it. He was poor with money and a gambler. They ended up hating each other. She could love Prudence and Phillipa because they looked like her and acted like her, at least they did before today she thought bitterly. Penelope looked like her mother in law. She is exactly like her. Portia hated her mother in law. She was kind and graceful. She went to Edmund Bridgerton to protect the girls dowries before she died and he took care of it before he died. Portia could have used that money!
She was furious that Penelope was getting what she wanted the Viscountess Bridgerton title. She would lead society and that was what Portia always wanted and never got. Portia had thought she had beaten this out of Penelope and all the while she had overlooked her daughter and now she was paying for it.
She had a bleak future, her beauty now gone. She had no idea how to survive without help. She had to figure out how to survive but maybe she could attract the ship’s captain and see if he could take care of her. That was a thought for another day, she huffed bitterly.
Portia wished with all her might that she might go to sleep and wake up to change this very bad terrible no good day.